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Free Breast Cancer Screening by the Health Promotion Administration 寶貝乳房so easy:國民健康署免費乳癌篩檢


Free Breast Cancer Screening by the Health Promotion Administration 寶貝乳房so easy:國民健康署免費乳癌篩檢


Mammography is a low-dose X-ray that detects small calcifications, local structural changes or lumps in the breast, helping to detect breast cancer early and reduce mortality.

Those fit for mammography

  • Women aged 40 to 75 can receive free mammography every two years (women in the preventive health age group set by the Health Promotion Administration [HPA]).

Those not fit for mammography

  1. Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding.
  2. Those who cannot receive mammography after a recent operation.  
  3. Those with a wound in the abdomen near the chest.
  4. Those with contact dermatitis (scabies, herpes zoster).

Advantages of mammography

  1. Quick and easy maneuverability
  2. Noninvasive testing.
  3. Images can be saved for later tracking and comparison.
  4. It can effectively detect tiny calcifications and early detect invasive breast cancer and ductal carcinoma.

Disadvantages of mammography

  1. Mammography is not 100% accurate, and 25% of breast cancers remain undetected.
  2. As small tumors are easily blocked by dense tissue, the lesions are neglected, so women with dense breasts have more false-negative results.
  3. During the examination, the breast will be pressed tightly with the instrument and then irradiated. The pressing will take 5-10 seconds, so it will be somewhat uncomfortable. However, the feeling of pain varies from person to person. Please avoid being examined before the menstrual period.
  4. Mammography has a radiation dose of about 0.7 millisieverts, and the Health Physics Society (HPS) noted that no significant health (carcinogenic) effects occur from radiation doses below 50 millisieverts per year.
  5. Asian women have dense breast tissue, which makes it more difficult to interpret a mammogram and identify the presence of lesions.

How to arrange mammography?

Mammography is by appointment. Please contact the hospital:

  1. Make an appointment with Cancer screening station: (04) 22052121 ext. 14821 or 14823.
  2. Make an appointment with the medical imaging department counter at Lifu Medical Building 3F: (04)22052121 ext. 13391 or 13392.
  3. Or go to the cancer screening station (Lifu Medical Building 1F or Cancer Center 1F) for arrangement.

Notes for mammography

  1. When checking, you must take off your top, so please don't wear a dress.
  2. Before the examination, do not apply antiperspirant, lotion and skin care product to the breast and underarm to avoid affecting X-ray fluoroscopy.
  3. Please bring the follow with you:
  • National Health Insurance card.
  • Mammography form except for telephone appointment, medical imaging counter will provide it on the day of examination.

Register with the medical imaging department counter on Lifu Medical Building 3F or Critical Care Center Building B1.

  1. Checking procedures:
  • Please go to the dressing room to remove all upper body clothes and change into an hospital gown.
  • During the examination, please try to relax your muscles and coordinate with the radiologist's instructions to adjust posture for examination.
  • Four x-rays should be taken for the left and right breasts: two from top to bottom and the other from the upper side on the inside to the lower side on the outside.
  • The examination takes about 10-20 minutes.
  1. The exam report will be completed in about 2 weeks and will be sent by mail. Therefore, please fill in the exam form in detail. The results requiring further exam will be notified by telephone.

For any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Cancer screening station: (04) 22052121 ext. 14821 or 14823

Screening for health and regular check-ups!

Early detection, early treatment!

電話:(04) 22052121 分機 14821、14823
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