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Care after Artificial Intervertebral Disc Procedure 人工椎間盤術後衛教說明


Care after Artificial Intervertebral Disc Procedure 人工椎間盤術後衛教說明


Medical Device: Artificial Intervertebral Disc

Description of the Medical Device

Artificial cervical intervertebral disc is made of polyethylene and titanium alloy and is implanted between the cervical discs to maintain the mobility and stability of the cervical vertebra.

When to Use

Artificial intervertebral disc is used to fill the space after cervical spur or cervical disc removal.  

Possible Side Effects

Spondylolisthesis, infection, or rejection might occur, but the incidence rate is very low based on the researches done by foreign countries.

Care after the Procedure

  • Graft complications, 20%-30% of incidence rate, such as graft rupture and fallout, cervical lordosis crooked.
  • Bone autograft complications, 15% of incidence rate, such as infection, pain, and hematoma.
  • Please consult with your physicians and nurses about wearing the neck support device before being discharged from the hospital.
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