Department Introduction

Diabetes Education Center | Our Speciality


Our Speciality


Diabetes shared care network  case follow-up


Diabetes individual education  and nutrition consultation clinic

  Provide diabetes health education services for diabetics and their families, as well as high risk groups of metabolic syndrome. The clinical nutrition clinic offers nutrition consultation for Screening clinic for chronic complications of diabetes

Screening clinic for chronic  complications of diabetes

  In the light of the control of diabetes, it is important to reduce the incidence of chronic complications. The diabetes care standard also requires the patients to receive an annual complications screening, but they often need to register with different specialists at different times to complete a number of examinations, thus resulting in poor patient compliance. Through this screening clinic, the main complications examinations can be conducted and relevant health education given according to examination results.

Ward nursing, nutritional diet  health education follow-up

  As notified by a physician, a nurse or dietitian goes to the bedside of the ward for giving health education including discharge health education.

Health classroom and  community  health education

  Co-host special lectures on diabetes or speeches on prevention and control with the hospital’s Center for Preventive Medicine (open to all community residents). Doctors, nurses, and dietitians deliver lectures on diabetes complications, home care, foot care, diet guidance, and social resources.

Instruction in the use of the  glucose monitoring system and  insulin pump and syringe pen

  Give instruction in the use of the devices such as the continuous glucose monitoring system, insulin pump, and syringe pen. Promote the hospital’s blood sugar machine QC program.

Medical staff training

  Assist with the training for health educators, care network medical staff, newly-recruited nurses, medical college students from the hospital and other diabetics control institutions, as well as in-service education. Offer an internship program for members of the Taiwanese Association of Diabetes Educators and training for medical staff from other hospitals.


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